- Change your phones’ date to the 01.05.2005
- Go to the calendar
- Now we need to create two new to-do’s (Options > New entry > To-do)
- These two to-do’s need to have the following information:
• Subject: Speed
• Due date: 04.08.2005
• Priority: High
• Subject: Qoukie
• Due date: 04.08.2005
• Priority: Low
After done TO-do follow below:-
- Confirm the both to-do notes with “Done”, but don’t close the calendar application.
- Choose: Options > To-do view
- Mark “Speed” as done, after that mark “Qoukie” as done.
- Now you can close the calendar.
- Change the phones’ date back to the actual day.
- Enjoy your faster device!
does it works on s40